Sunday 11 March 2012

Canadians protest election 'robocall' scandal

Canadians protest election 'robocall' scandal

Protesters gathered in cities across Canada Sunday to demand a full public inquiry into the federal election "robocall" scandal.
The largest turnout seemed to be in Toronto, with hundreds of people marching along downtown streets, waving placards and chanting: "Election crime, election time."
There were modest turnouts of several dozen protesters in Halifax and Montreal. A small crowd had gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa as well.
Rallies were planned in as many as 27 Canadian cities from coast to coast.
Elections Canada has launched an investigation into suspicious calls voters received during the last federal election after receiving a high volume of complaints.
Canadians in dozens of ridings have reported either receiving automated calls telling them to go to incorrect polling stations on election day, or being telephoned late at night and harassed by people who claimed to represent political parties.
Opposition parties are blaming the Conservatives, alleging the party resorted to "dirty tricks" and voter suppression tactics. The Tories responded with counter-accusations and Prime Minister Stephen Harper has denied any knowledge of the calls.
On Saturday, Liberal MP Frank Valeriote admitted his party did not identify that it was behind an anti-Conservative robocall used during the election in Guelph, Ont.
The riding is already the focus of the Elections Canada "robocall" probe.
The Liberals' automated call was critical of Conservative candidate Marty Burke and his anti-abortion views. The message goes on to say that the race in Guelph is close and asks people to vote "strategically."
Audio of the recording surfaced Friday night.

The recording does not state that it came from the Liberal Party or from Valeriote's campaign. The Elections Act requires parties or candidates to identify themselves in campaign ads.
Valeriote, who won the riding, told CTV News Saturday that it was an "oversight" that the party and candidate were not identified on the call.
Conservative MP Dean Del Mastro called the message "dishonest," and "sleazy."


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