Thursday 23 February 2012

creative pipes and bongs.

  Arts and crafts time boys and girls!
 For all you stoner geeks out their. A top 5 collection of creative pipes and bongs.        
Showing you can make a bong out of anything.

 Game on...
Can you play Mario cart after your bowl with the N64 controller bong?
                           doesn't matter, it's cool either way!

And I thought I smoked the NES.

                                        The Mr potato Head pipe                             
     For the ultimate head!

This pipe separates in the middle, so the plan is to split it in half, and put the part with the bowl in Mr. Potato Head's mouth (so it looks like he's smoking) and the mouthpiece sticking out of the top of his head.

Apple bong with  a carved face.

For those with some knife skills...A apple bong with  a carved face.

Homemade bong slider

 One pen fits snug into the other pen.

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